
Podcast | Tim Andersen | The Appraiser's Advocate

An Interview With Melissa Bond! – TAA Podcast 030

State investigator questions. What are they? How should appraisers answer them? Do they get at the truth? Or do they just incriminate the appraiser? These are all legitimate questions! So Tim Andersen, The Appraiser’s Advocate, put them to Melissa Bond, appraiser and instructor extraordinaire. Melissa knows what these questions are. As a former state investigator,

An Interview With Melissa Bond! – TAA Podcast 030 Read More »

Podcast | Tim Andersen | The Appraiser's Advocate

More on Misleading – Especially the Definition – TAA Podcast 028

USPAP has a new definition of misleading. Since it has no wiggle-room in it, even a minor error can metamorphose into an ethics violation quickly. How will state appraisal boards interpret this very broad definition? What are the ramifications for the real estate appraisal industry? Tim Andersen, The Appraiser’s Advocate, takes on the challenge of advising you to cover your assets! This new definition should scare all appraisers!

More on Misleading – Especially the Definition – TAA Podcast 028 Read More »

Podcast | Tim Andersen | The Appraiser's Advocate

Another One on a Misleading Appraisal Report – TAA Podcast 026

Misleading appraisal reports are a potential problem! State appraisal boards routinely sanction appraisers when the appraiser’s report is misleading. Tim Andersen, the Appraiser’s Advocate, explains the differences between an appraisal report and a restricted appraisal report. These are areas confusing to some appraisers, so Tim clears up this confusion. Understand how and why these two

Another One on a Misleading Appraisal Report – TAA Podcast 026 Read More »

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