Why Real Estate Appraisal Podcasts?
Real estate appraisal podcasts should challenge you, infuriate you, inspire you, and maybe even make you laugh. So, in these podcasts, Tim covers many topics including USPAP compliance, persuasive report writing, proper analytics, state appraisal board decisions, and even the future of real estate appraisal. As a result, these podcasts may answer questions you’ve had, as well as help you write better reports. So, go ahead – listen to them, and then send Tim your comments.
These real estate appraisal podcasts feature Tim discussing various topics. You can listen to his interviews with the movers and shakers of the real estate appraisal industry on his YouTube Channel. While you’re there, hit those like and subscribe buttons, too! Tim is a USPAP instructor, but sometimes does not agree with the party line when it comes to USPAP. You’ll agree with some of his observations. Some of the others will just anger you. However, if they make you think critically, that is Tim’s goal.
Want to have Tim answer one of your questions as part of one of his real estate appraisal podcasts? Then submit your questions to tim@theappraisersadvocate.com. While he can’t answer all questions in a podcast, he will answer the challenging, provocative, and controversial ones. If your questions are really primo, he may interview you on a podcast. That way, you’ll have a forum you would not have otherwise.